Thursday, January 31, 2013

#8 "TINY"

Received several calls about a baby roaming the streets near Penn Square Mall with a leash attached to him. I knew it wasn’t Maddox, but I couldn’t just let this little guy run lost. Joanna, a wonderful person I met while searching for Maddox, went with me to try to find him. We searched but couldn’t find him, then just as we turned a corner we saw him. He was a quick little guy who sent us on an adventure trying to catch him. Luckily, some guys had a female doggie and we able to help us catch him. Once I grabbed him he bit me on the lip, but totally worth it to save him. He had definitely chewed his leash that was still hanging from his collar, no tags, but he did have a rabies tab with Neel Vet’s number on it. We took him there and they were able to find his daddy! He was such a cutie and was my best friend after he gave me my battle wound. Totally worth it – he is home safe! 

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